New year2012

The Twins Welcome Baby Kasen

The Twins Welcome Baby Kasen

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

25 Week Appointment

Just an up date on our 25 week appointment...

Well, Kade and Kynlee are doing just fine. Unfortunately they are both breech now....Kynlee flipped! Oh well, they still have time to both flip back over. They are very active and constantly move around (or it could have been the Chi Tea I had in the waiting room ;). Kynlee was all over the place...she had her feet up by her head and then her feet over in her brother's back and her arms never left her face! I think that she is going to need some mittens when she comes out! She was much more active then I thought! Kade kept hiding his face behind something and he kept his legs all curled up under neath him. The technicians tried 2 times to do a 4D image...but they were not quite in the right position. Bummer...but oh well they said that they would try again next time.

As of right now Kade is 1 lbs 12 oz and Kynlee is 1 lbs 7 oz. Kynlee is right on target for my due date, but Kade is actually measuring about 1 week ahead of he is measuring at 26 weeks. They are growing above average......So much for having little babies;)

All in all things are going well with the babies. I am doing okay...besides my feet swelling into cankles, and the uterine tightening. My blood pressure is normal (actually low) so the doctor just says that the swelling is normal for twins...Yippy! The doctor also wants me to start monitoring the uterine contractions to figure out how many I have in an hour....who knows, I really can't keep track!

Oh yeah, I seem to to always forget to mention Pat...HAHA. He is doing swelling, or contractions that I know of. He is busy working and loving his job!

Well that's it for this update...The next big task is the babies' room and all of my showers. I will keep y'all posted.

Kynlee Picture 1--her hands are up by her face and her mouth is open like she is yawning.

Kynlee Picture 2--her foot is clearly up by her head!

Kade Picture 3--Just a profile pic with his hands up by his face.


  1. Kynlee Pic #2- Baby's first stretch! Looks like we've got another cheerleader on our hands... Lol

  2. I was just gonna say that Rhonda! Way to go Kynlee! Angel you look ADORABLE!!! Love the belly and I'm glad your doing good!
