New year2012

The Twins Welcome Baby Kasen

The Twins Welcome Baby Kasen

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas 2010

Hey everyone! Updates soon! Enjoy some pics!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Finally an Update!

So sorry that I have not been able to update our blog, but we have been super busy the past 2 months!

A quick updated on Kade and Kynlee...

  • They went on their 2nd airplane ride for a family reunion in Tampa, Florida. They did meltdowns!

  • They have started a new daycare...Little Village Montessori School and Country Baby. There they sing and play, learn ABC's, Spanish and spend tons of time on the floor with their friends!

  • They are getting over another cold...tis the season!

  • They are trying to crawl...well Kynlee more than Kade.

  • They are learning to share. They want whatever the other has even if they have their own and it is exactly the same toy!

The twins have a well-baby check up this week so I will have some better stats soon! I will take some time and post more pics soon! (promise)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween 2010


Halloween was fun... although it was entirely too hot for the costumes that I bought. Who would have thought that it would be 85 degrees on Halloween night. The twins only wore their costumes for pictures...and then they had it! I ended up having to raid their closets for outfits that could pose as costumes...aka a ballerina and a hunter in camo.

We all went over to Spencer and Davins on Saturday evening...where all of the kids took a group photo (see pic below). Then it was bed time for all of the kids (the twins went home with MeMe and G-Pa) and the adults stayed up for a a scary movie...yes Pat and I stayed up long enough to watch Nightmare on Elm Street. Probably the dumbest movie we have ever reminded us as to why we don't watch movies.

On Sunday...we hung around the house to keep the kids on a good schedule so that they could enjoy trick-or-treating. Glammie and PaPaa came over and helped us hand out candy while we walked the neighborhood. All in all the twins are doing great and looking forward to a busy holiday season. Stay tuned!!!!!! (Read captions below)

Kynlee's first 2 teeth! October 30th, 2010

Kade, Kynlee, Peyton, Hayden holding Preston, and Camryn

Kynlee, Kade, Camryn, Peyton, Hayden, Preston, Gage, and Beck

Mmmmm...Dad, can I have some too?

Cousin Henry, Kade and Kynlee at Rice University

G-Pa, Kynlee, Kade and MeMe at the Salt Lick

MeMe, Kade, Kynlee, and G-Pa

Pat, Kade Jenni, Knylee and Angel Halloween night

Glammie reading to the kiddos

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

7 Months Old!!

Well the twins are officially 7 months old...They can almost sit up! Yay...finally something is happening! I feel like we have been at the same stage since birth...Ha!

We are all doing great...

  • Kynlee loves to stand and roll all over the place (almost sit up), weighs about 14-15 lbs and still wheres 3 months clothes! Kynlee recently got her ears fancy

  • Kade can officially sit up as of today and he too loves to stand whenever he can (no rolling yet, not interested too much), weighs about 20 lbs and wears 12 month clothes!

  • Pat is doing great...working hard. Along with his full time job as a feild sales consultant for Henry Schein and a great father of twins, he just officially closed on his first business adventure. Pat and I purchased 3 franchises of Caring Senior Service....Austin and Goergtown (Travis/Williamson Counties) and we will open Marble Falls with in 12 months. Caring Senior Service is a non-medical personal assistance service targeting the elderly population. We are excited and ready to grow the business!

  • I am doing great...still working as a physical therapist at Baptist HealthLink! Nothing new with me really...just taking care of babies and working! (almost done pumping!! YAY)

We had a great time in Austin last weekend. We visited the pumpkin patch and watched the UT game with my family at my parents house. The twins always enjoy time at MeMe and G-Pa's...they love to swing and swim in the hot tub! See pics below!

Stay tune for more posts from our upcoming weekend...the twins will meet thier great-grammie (Pat's grandmother) for the first time!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

6 Months Old

We are 6 months old!!!!!!!! Finally we are making some progress...;)

The twins are growing up so big...the are happy, healthy, and beginning to become mobile! They both love to be standing and sitting up. Not crawling yet, but they are scooting great! The twins love to hang out on the back porch in their jumpers, go on walks....well anything outside! I swear the daycare thinks I feed them to the misquitos with all the bites they get. (even with bug spray!)

They stick to a great schedule at daycare and in the evenings, which helps to keep us all sane.

Kynlee weighs about 14 lbs and Kade weighs a whooping 20 lbs! We might have a little line backer and cheerleader on our hands ;)

See pic below for cheerleader/gymnast confirmation!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

5 months old

5 Months Old!!!!!!!

Wow! The twins are already (only) 5 months old. They are still doing great and over coming their sinus and ear infections. They are sleeping well at nights....sleeping any where from 8-10 hours (on a good night!). We do have our rougher nights when one gets up at 330 and the other at that point we are up for the day! We also have the best night nanny in San Antonio...PaPaa! Pat's dad (aka PaPaa) comes over on Tuesday and Thursday nights to take care of the kids and relieve us during the work week! We greatly appreciate his help! Usually our days begin at 430 to 500 am and end between 1000 and 1100 any extra rest is much appreciated! My mom has also been a life saver!!! The babies have spent a few weekends at MeMe and G-Pa's to play in the hot tub while mom and dad caught up on sleep or chores. MeMe has also come to visit many times to just give me a break or to help with the housework...Thanks Mom!

We have had a great summer...beginning with South Padre for Memorial Day, Washington DC for July 4th, Port Aransas for Family Vacation, and many trips to Austin in between! We have a few fall trips planned to Houston to see Grammie (the twins' great grandma) and Tampa, Florida for a Hays family reunion! Fun, Fun!

BABY NEWS for the summer....One of my very best friends, Erica, had a healthy baby boy on August 2nd...She and her husband Casey welcomed Preston James Pearce weighing in at 7 lbs 11 oz. He is doing well and Erica just loves being an mommy!

Preston James Pearce

Another set of our best friends, Brett and Courtney Patton, had a healthy baby boy on July 4th! Luck boy...the whole nation celebrates his birthday! Beck Hunter Patton weighed in at 7.0 36 weeks... that boy cooked fast! See picture below to view Brett's clone!

Beck Hunter Patton

Another set of our best friends...Courtney and Phil Schoenfeld found out that they are pregnant!...due in April...Congrats!

Overall we are doing great and ready for our next set of twins! J/K!!! I think we are good for now, Ha!

Angel, Pat and KKJ

Sunday, August 15, 2010

July Pictures!! (4 1/2 months old)

The Twins are doing Great!!! We had our 4 months check up and Kade weighs 17.1 lbs (80th %)and Kynlee is 12.0 lbs (10th %-little pettite petunia). They are doing great on their milestones and getting ready to be mobile! We are fighting off ann ear infection and sinus infection, but its clearing up well! 5 month updates coming soon!

BTW---Pat and I are great...just working, taking care of kiddos and enjoying the hot summer weekends (ref. the new baby pool we got for the back yard :))

Friday, July 23, 2010

3-4 months- July Festivitites

Enjoy the updated pics of the twins! They are getting big and growing like crazy!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kade and Kynlee 3 Monhs Old

Hey everyone....Here is some updated pictues of the twins! ENJOY....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June Update!!


Hey...just wanted to update everyone on the twins and what is going on in our lives. I am actually starting back to work tomorrow! I am ready to go back to work, but I am not ready for the twins to go to daycare! I know that they are in good hands with Mrs. Deborrah, however it is natural for all new moms to go through this transition period...with 25 years of experience (plus her children), Mrs. Deborrah can probably do it all better than I can anyway :)

The twins are doing great and beginning to sleep better throughout the night! Kade makes it about 6-7 hours on average and Kynlee makes it at least 4 hours!

Over Memorial Day, Pat and went to the beach. It great to get away and get some sun!! We had a great time with the twins...they loved their evening walks on the beach and some shaded pool time ;)

Keep in touch and I will update eeryone on their first week of daycare soon!
View the slide show above for some updated pictures.

Love, Angel

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

2 Months Old!!

The Twins are 2 months old!!!

As you all know...I have once again been a horrible blogger lately....but I will do my best to catch everyone up. Over the past month the twins have been doing pretty good. They are going wonderfully and they are starting to develop some personality!

Since Daddy had to go on a business trip for a week, the twins and I spent 9 days in Austin. It was nice to get away and spend mother's day with my mother! There the twins got to play in the hot tub, which they loved, and they dicovered the trees. They love the trees and being outside! I was also able to spend some time with all of my family and get some much needed help! Thank you tremendously to my mom who ran many of the lates night with me....Love You!

Today the twins had their 2 month appointment and shots :( Kade weighs a whopping 10.2 lbs/22 inches and Kynlee weighs 7.10 lbs and is 21 inches. Kynlee has an umbilical hernia, which is considered very common for infants. The doctor says that it should correct itself by 1-2 years of age! I can't stand the site of it looks like it hurts her little belly! Other than a little reflux Mr. Kade is functioning at the top of his game! I discovered today that I am feeding him too much, which is contributing to a full belly and spitting up=Reflux.

All in all we are doing great. My next task is getting them used to their own beds! Last night went well...they slept in their beds from 11-5:30. Not the whole stretch, but with one feeding in between. It is a start and we are aiming for another good stretch tonight! One day at a time!!

Enjoy the pictures and I will be sure to keep you all updated on a more regular basis!

Lovin some hot tub time!

Gettin' to know cousin Gage!!