New year2012

The Twins Welcome Baby Kasen

The Twins Welcome Baby Kasen

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween 2010


Halloween was fun... although it was entirely too hot for the costumes that I bought. Who would have thought that it would be 85 degrees on Halloween night. The twins only wore their costumes for pictures...and then they had it! I ended up having to raid their closets for outfits that could pose as costumes...aka a ballerina and a hunter in camo.

We all went over to Spencer and Davins on Saturday evening...where all of the kids took a group photo (see pic below). Then it was bed time for all of the kids (the twins went home with MeMe and G-Pa) and the adults stayed up for a a scary movie...yes Pat and I stayed up long enough to watch Nightmare on Elm Street. Probably the dumbest movie we have ever reminded us as to why we don't watch movies.

On Sunday...we hung around the house to keep the kids on a good schedule so that they could enjoy trick-or-treating. Glammie and PaPaa came over and helped us hand out candy while we walked the neighborhood. All in all the twins are doing great and looking forward to a busy holiday season. Stay tuned!!!!!! (Read captions below)

Kynlee's first 2 teeth! October 30th, 2010

Kade, Kynlee, Peyton, Hayden holding Preston, and Camryn

Kynlee, Kade, Camryn, Peyton, Hayden, Preston, Gage, and Beck

Mmmmm...Dad, can I have some too?

Cousin Henry, Kade and Kynlee at Rice University

G-Pa, Kynlee, Kade and MeMe at the Salt Lick

MeMe, Kade, Kynlee, and G-Pa

Pat, Kade Jenni, Knylee and Angel Halloween night

Glammie reading to the kiddos

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!